Diagnostic genome sequencing improves diagnostic yield: a prospective single-centre study in 1000 patients with inherited eye diseasesNicole Weisschuh, Pascale Mazzola, Theresia Zuleger, Karin Schaeferhoff, Laura Kühlewein, Friederike Kortüm, Dennis Witt, Alexandra Liebmann, Ruth Falb, Lisa Pohl, Milda Reith, Lara G Stühn, Miriam Bertrand, Amelie Müller, Nicolas CasadeiSee the full list of authors
21 September 2023
Updates on diagnostic criteria for hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia in the light of whole genome sequencing of ‘gene-negative’ individuals recruited to the 100 000 Genomes ProjectClaire L Shovlin, Fatma I Almaghlouth, Ali Alsafi, Nicola Coote, Catherine Rennie, Gillian MF Wallace, Fatima S Govani, Genomics England Research Consortium
16 August 2023
Evidence of a genetic background predisposing to complex regional pain syndrome type 1Samiha S Shaikh, Andreas Goebel, Michael C Lee, Michael S Nahorski, Nicholas Shenker, Yunisa Pamela, Ichrak Drissi, Christopher Brown, Gillian Ison, Maliha F Shaikh, Anoop Kuttikat, William A Woods, Abhishek Dixit, Kaitlin Stouffer, Murray CH ClarkeSee the full list of authors
10 October 2023
Genotype–phenotype associations in Alström syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysisBrais Bea-Mascato, Diana Valverde
15 June 2023
Recessive MECR pathogenic variants cause an LHON-like optic neuropathyClaudio Fiorini, Andrea Degiorgi, Maria Lucia Cascavilla, Concetta Valentina Tropeano, Chiara La Morgia, Marco Battista, Danara Ormanbekova, Flavia Palombo, Michele Carbonelli, Francesco Bandello, Valerio Carelli, Alessandra Maresca, Piero Barboni, Enrico Baruffini, Leonardo Caporali
21 September 2023
Opportunistic genetic screening increases the diagnostic yield and is medically valuable for care of patients and their relatives with hereditary cancerSara Fernández-Castillejo, Bàrbara Roig, Mireia Melé, Sara Serrano, Mònica Salvat, Montserrat Querol, Joan Brunet, Marta Pineda, Adela Cisneros, David Parada, Joan Badia, Joan Borràs, Marta Rodríguez-Balada, Josep Gumà
17 August 2023
Prevalence and clinical implications of germline pathogenic variants in cancer predisposing genes in young patients across sarcoma subtypesNathalia de Angelis de Carvalho, Karina Miranda Santiago, Joyce Maria Lisboa Maia, Felipe D’Almeida Costa, Maria Nirvana Formiga, Diogo Cordeiro de Queiroz Soares, Daniele Paixão, Celso Abdon Lopes de Mello, Cecilia Maria Lima da Costa, José Claudio Casali da Rocha, Barbara Rivera, Dirce Maria Carraro, Giovana Tardin Torrezan
3 August 2023
Deep phenotyping of the neuroimaging and skeletal features in KBG syndrome: a study of 53 patients and review of the literatureFrancesca Peluso, Stefano G Caraffi, Gianluca Contrò, Lara Valeri, Manuela Napoli, Giorgia Carboni, Alka Seth, Roberta Zuntini, Emanuele Coccia, Guja Astrea, Anne-Marie Bisgaard, Ivan Ivanovski, Silvia Maitz, Elise Brischoux-Boucher, Melissa T CarterSee the full list of authors
16 August 2023
Evaluation of European-based polygenic risk score for breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish women in IsraelHagai Levi, Shai Carmi, Saharon Rosset, Rinat Yerushalmi, Aviad Zick, Tamar Yablonski-Peretz, The BCAC Consortium, Qin Wang, Manjeet K Bolla, Joe Dennis, Kyriaki Michailidou, Michael Lush, Thomas Ahearn, Irene L Andrulis, Hoda Anton-CulverSee the full list of authors
14 July 2023
Adaptive nanopore sequencing to determine pathogenicity of BRCA1 exonic duplicationMathilde Filser, Mathias Schwartz, Kevin Merchadou, Abderaouf Hamza, Marie-Charlotte Villy, Antoine Decees, Eléonore Frouin, Elodie Girard, Sandrine M Caputo, Victor Renault, Véronique Becette, Lisa Golmard, Nicolas Servant, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Olivier DelattreSee the full list of authors
1 June 2023