Open access

Showing results 51 - 60 of 100

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Genetic complexity of diagnostically unresolved Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Anthony M Vandersteen, Ruwan A Weerakkody, David A Parry, Christina Kanonidou, Daniel J Toddie-Moore, Jana Vandrovcova, Rebecca Darlay, Javier Santoyo-Lopez, Alison Meynert, NIHR BioResource, Hanadi Kazkaz, Rodney Grahame, Carole Cummings, Marion Bartlett, Neeti GhaliSee the full list of authors

9 October 2023

Co-design of patient information leaflets for germline predisposition to cancer: recommendations for clinical practice from the UK Cancer Genetics Group (UKCGG), Cancer Research UK (CRUK) funded CanGene-CanVar Programme and the Association of Genetic Nurse Counsellors (AGNC)
Kelly Kohut, Beverley Speight, Julie Young, Rosalind Way, Jennifer Wiggins, Laura Monje-Garcia, Diana M Eccles, Claire Foster, Lesley Turner, Katie Snape, Helen Hanson, on behalf of the CanGene-CanVar Patient Reference Panel, , on behalf of the CanGene-CanVar Patient Reference Panel, Caroline DaleSee the full list of authors

30 November 2023